Monday 22 August 2011

Deja vu

Throughout my travels places remind me of places I've been before. Although there are of course places that are nothing like anywhere I've been before (most of those in Asia, but there is more often than not something that seems familiar.

The tundra was quite unique, although I did think parts of it looked like the savannah (not that I've ever been there) and I could just imagine a giraffe walking in the vast plain on the ride into town. The rocks also reminded me of my visit to Tadoussac, Quebec, because that's where I first saw the trees and rocks of the Canadian shield. California reminded me of Mongolia, similar looking rocks. The highrises of Vancouver remind me of China and Korea, just like the highrises of Seoul reminded me of Vancouver...

White Spruce Farm reminded me of a lot of places. Living in the A-frame with a wood fire and candles burning while surrounded by gardens that were and buildings that have seen better days was very similar to where we spent our childhood Easter holidays. The garden of Carabas in Rockanje, Holland was one of the first stops on the journey to Canada.

Little things in Fernie reminded me of Churchill. The cafe in town where Kylie likes to buy a green soup like drink was called Mugshots bistro, her email address relates to wombles and she and Wacaiwa dance around the kitchen to Raffi tracks (he also sings Baby beluga, a Churchill favourite).

The scenes I saw out the window of the greyhound on my way to Osoyoos reminded me of both California (which therefore also reminded me of Mongolia) and the hills of Appenzellerland.

Cathedral Provincial Park reminds me in some areas of the lake district, but up on the rim is an area called Stone City I might be inclined to think I was back in Terelij, the national park we visited in Mongolia. And the work here, the certain element of disorganisation, and the bad treatment of the staff and volunteers well that reminds me of River Cottage.

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